Tuesday, 24 December 2013

New Teeth Implants Professionals in Rutherford Provide Top Tips for Preventing Tooth Loss, PART 1

This two-part article series provides important advice on preventing the oral diseases that lead to tooth loss and the need for new teeth.

Dental implants may offer NJ residents a sophisticated and comprehensive solution to missing teeth, but according to new teeth implants professionals in Rutherford, nothing beats the benefits of your own biological technology. “Healthy natural teeth are typically quite durable, and along with healthy gums, usually have very aesthetic look, so we always encourage patients to do their very best to keep them. Yes, we can provide great solutions should you ever lose one or more of your natural teeth, but with the right preventative care and daily maintenance, you should hopefully never need those solutions.”

In this two-part article series, these experts will be providing us with their top tips for preventing tooth loss.

Oral Hygiene: Keep it Clean

Keeping your mouth as free of oral bacteria as possible is a daily endeavor you will engage in your entire life. And it’s an important battle because oral bacteria are the reason teeth become decayed and gums become diseased. “We all know we are meant to brush our teeth twice a day, but this advice alone is not enough to keep the diseases that cause tooth loss at bay,” explains a dental implants professional in NJ.

“Most Americans only brush their teeth for 38 seconds a day in total. You should be dedicating two whole minutes to scrubbing your teeth and tongue, making sure to spend 30 seconds per quadrant of the mouth. “We also encourage patients, especially those who have already lost teeth to gum disease, to brush three times a day, about 30 minutes after breakfast, lunch and supper.”

“The reason you should wait 30 minutes is because your mouth becomes quite acidic after eating. The low PH softens the dental enamel protecting your teeth, rendering it more vulnerable to erosion by the abrasive action of brushing. If you can’t wait and, for example, need to rush off to the office after breakfast, then rinse your mouth thoroughly with water before brushing.”

Floss, Floss, Floss

FlossingFlossing is one of the most neglected, yet important oral hygiene habits. Most Americans do not floss daily as they should and a significant percentage never, ever does it. “Your teeth are three-dimensional and while the right brushing technique effectively cleans the front, back and top surfaces of the teeth, the contact points between them are being completely neglected,” explains a new teeth implants professional in Rutherford. “One of the most common sites for decay is in fact between the teeth and at the gum line. Flossing at nighttime before you go to bed at night is an essential step towards preventing the diseases that claim healthy teeth. It also an essential step in one’s recovery from gum disease.”

“A common excuse given by NJ patients is that their gums hurt and bleed when they brush them. This is because the soft tissue has become weakened and compromised by infection. The best way to address infection is to eliminate the bacteria causing it,” says the new teeth implants professional in Rutherford. “It may feel uncomfortable at first and yes, your gums may bleed, but they will toughen up and heal very quickly. Without flossing, you are leaving all that food debris and bacteria trapped between your teeth. This causes cavities, decay and unattractive problems like bad breath.”

Stay Tuned for Part 2

There’s more to preventing tooth loss than just a sound home oral hygiene routine. In Part 2, a dental implants professional in NJ shall address the habits that can lead to the development of the diseases that cause tooth loss, so stay tuned!

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

New Teeth Experts in New York: Understanding Diabetes and Your Oral Health, PART 2

This two-part article series provides an in-depth look at the relationship between diabetes and oral health and how Rutherford residents living with this condition can better protect their teeth and gums.

Welcome to Part 2 of our article series on the link between diabetes and oral health. In the first installment, we spoke to a new teeth specialist in New York about the impacts this disease has upon the health of patients’ teeth and gums. Now, we shall take a brief look at how gum disease is treated and what New York residents living with diabetes can do to mitigate the damage done to their oral health.

Gum Disease Treatment

Dental Implants Dentist in Stamford CT
The course of treatment prescribed by your dental healthcare practitioner will really depend on the severity of your condition. “In its beginning stages, gum disease can usually be successfully treated with a course of anti-biotic medication and rinses, a thorough professional cleaning and/or an improved home oral hygiene routine,” says a dental implants dentist in Stamford CT. “If, however, your condition has advanced and there are deep pockets of infection surrounding your teeth, you will likely need to undergo one or more dental procedures to eliminate the diseased tissue and infection and reduce the depth of these pockets.”

Having diabetes can render these procedures somewhat tricky, because this disease slows the rate at which its sufferers heal. Post-operative healing will have to be closely monitored to ensure that infection doesn’t set in again. Your dentist may prescribe a course of anti-biotic medication as a precaution. Additionally, diabetics will need to have their blood sugar levels carefully controlled before and after their procedures.

Minimizing the Oral Health Risks of Diabetes

New TeethAll of this can sound somewhat frightening. No one enjoys the prospect of oral surgery, so the very best philosophy New York residents living with diabetes can adopt is to prevent rather than cure! “If you have been diagnosed with diabetes you must first accept that you will need to spend a little more time and spend a little more effort on looking after your teeth and gums,” explains a new teeth specialist in New York. “You should tell your dentist about your condition and ask him or her for advice on home oral hygiene care. You will also need to go for more frequent check-ups and professional cleanings as a part of the preventative healthcare regime that will keep your oral health in check.”

Here’s some general advice for New York residents living with diabetes:

1. Brush your teeth for two minutes at a time and brush three times a day.

2. Floss your teeth every day, preferably before you go to bed at night.

3. Make use of an anti-bacterial mouthwash to really keep your mouth clean of the oral bacteria that cause gum disease.

4. “Keep a close eye on the health of your gums,” advises a dental implants dentist in Stamford CT. “If you ever notice any bleeding when you brush or floss, or swelling and inflammation, be sure to notify your dentist as soon as possible.”

5. As a diabetic, you should have your teeth professionally cleaned at least twice a year. Remember, you are more prone to infection than people without this condition, so you will need to be extra thorough in your approach to keeping your mouth clean.

6.“You must absolutely tell your dentist and oral hygienist that you have diabetes,” urges a new teeth expert in New York. “This will help them devise a preventative treatment schedule that will protect your teeth and gums. You should also let them know of any over-the-counter and prescription medications you might be on.”

A Final Note

By taking extra special care of your oral health, you can offset the damage done by diabetes and keep your smile beautiful and healthy for far longer. Work closely with your dentist to achieve your goals and keep smiling!

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

New Teeth Professionals in Rutherford NJ: Understanding Diabetes and Your Oral Health, PART 1

This two-part article series provides an in-depth look at the relationship between diabetes and oral health and how Rutherford residents living with this condition can better protect their teeth and gums.

There is a clear link between diabetes and the health of your teeth and gums. More specifically, people living with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing gum disease and vice versa. Fortunately, there are things Rutherford residents living with this condition can do to protect their smiles against the ravages of this disease and we shall be speaking to a dental implants professional in New Jersey about these measures in this two-part article series. First, however, let’s take a look at the oral health risks that come hand-in-hand with being a diabetic...

Diabetes and Oral Health Risks

Rutherford Dental Professional
If you are currently living with diabetes, you may find yourself at a greater risk of the following oral health issues:

Dry mouth: A condition characterized by the slowed production of saliva. This is problematic because your saliva plays an integral role in protecting your teeth and gums from bacteria.

Fungal infections: For example, thrush, which is terribly uncomfortable, both physically and in social situations.

Cavities: Soft holes in the dental enamel of your teeth caused by the acidic wastes produced oral bacteria. If left unfilled, these holes can become enlarged by further erosion, eventually forming a pathway into the “nerve” of the tooth at which stage infection can set in. “Untreated cavities can necessitate new teeth,” says a Rutherford dental professional.

Slowed healing: “People with diabetes sometimes tend to take a longer time to heal, which can lead to a problem after dental surgery,” explains a dental implants professional in New Jersey. “This can cause complications and a greater risk of post-operative infection. Dental implant patients with diabetes need to be watched a little more closely in the months following the placement of their new teeth.”

In spite of these oral health problems, there are steps that Rutherford residents living with diabetes can take to minimize the risk of permanent damage to their smiles.

The Link Between Diabetes and Gum Disease

Dental Implants“One of the greatest problems with diabetes is that it renders patients more vulnerable to gum disease and less able to fight off the kind of bacterial infections that lead to it,” explains a new teeth Professionals in Rutherford NJ. “These patients might initially experience gingivitis, which is the beginning stage of gum disease with symptoms that might include swollen, inflamed and spongy gums that easily tear and bleed when brushed or flossed. If allowed to progress, however, the infection can migrate deep down into the soft tissue surrounding the tooth roots, allowing deep pockets of bacteria and bacterial wastes to accumulate.” 

“This infection doesn’t only cause tooth decay, it also destroys the ligaments and bone tissue that support the teeth, eventually leading to tooth loss. Many of the patients we treat suffer from gum disease and a significant number of these patients are also diabetic,” says the dental implants professional in New Jersey.

So, how can gum disease be treated and what can Rutherford residents living with diabetes do to mitigate the impact of this terrible disease on the health of their teeth and gums?

Stay Tuned for Part 2 to Find Out!

Sunday, 1 December 2013

The Procedures Behind Getting Dental Implants in Rutherford, NJ

This article provides an overview of the procedure behind the All-On-4 dental implant technique.

So, you’ve gone to your dental implants expert in Rutherford, signed up for the “All-On-4” protocol and now you want to know what to expect on the day you’re scheduled to get new teeth. First and foremost, you should know that what you’ve done is likely made the smartest possible investment in the future of your oral health, smile confidence and quality of life. Well done. Here’s what your day should look like...

Wakey Wakey! Time to Get New Teeth!

Your day begins bright and early with a morning appointment at our world class facility. You will be greeted by friendly staff and escorted through to a private room where you can relax with you family/ friends that are with you, and receive any pre-operative instructions or medications. From there, you’ll go to the surgical suite, and likely have a sedative administered to make you feel totally relaxed and detached from any fear you may have been experiencing up until that point. Your mouth will be numbed and once you are ready, the journey to getting new teeth in NJ begins!

The dental implant expert will begin by extracting any remaining, failing teeth and cleaning your mouth, making sure to eliminate any grossly diseased or infected tissue. In order to give your new implants an optimal environment in which to heal. Once your jaw has been thoroughly “cleaned”, the surgeon will place two implants in the front portion of your jaw and another two further in the back. The exact positioning of these implants will have been determined in the treatment planning phase of the “All-On-4".

The procedure is drawn to a close by suturing up any incisions and allowing you to rest. After a short time recovering and relaxing, your Rutherford dental implants expert will begin placing your new set of teeth, which comes in the form of a prosthetic dental bridge. This is fabricated from molds (impressions) that were taken of your mouth during your initial visits. The bridge will be attached to the implants and adjusted so that your bite feels comfortable and natural.

You will then be allowed to return home with your brand new smile! For patients receiving sedation and getting new teeth in NJ, it is mandatory that you arrange for someone to give you a lift home, as you may still feel a little groggy from sedation.

What Now?

New Teeth One DayIn the first few days following your procedure, it is recommended that you remain at home and relax while your mouth begins the healing process. Read a book, watch some TV, send out some emails… do all the things you never get around to doing when it’s all work, work, work. You should stick to a diet of soft foods for a few months and avoid any strenuous activities or exercise. You will be required to return to the dental implant center in Rutherford for a post-operative check-up around the 10 day to two-week mark to make sure your recovery is going well. Your new teeth will also be removed, cleaned and adjusted and your surgeon will advise you on your diet and hygiene instructions moving forward. By this stage you should be already well adjusted to your new teeth and smile.

Then it’s all about looking after your new teeth, making sure to brush and water-pik them regularly and go for your scheduled check-ups and professional cleanings, just as if you had a complete set of natural teeth again!