Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Dental Implant Specialists in New Jersey Bust Eight Flossing Excuses, PART 4

This four-part article series seeks to challenge the many excuses made by people for not flossing their teeth on a daily basis.

Welcome to the final installment of this four-part article series on the importance of flossing and why all those excuses we make for neglecting it simply don’t stand to reason. Throughout the course of the series, dental implant specialists in New Jersey have exposed and discussed six common excuses provided by patients, which, to recap, are:

Excuse # 1: I don’t usually get food caught between my teeth so I don’t really need to floss.
Excuse # 2: The floss I use keeps shredding and getting caught between my teeth.
Excuse # 3: No one ever showed me how to floss properly.
Excuse # 4: I’ve had dental work done, which makes it really difficult for me to floss.
Excuse # 5: I just don’t have the co-ordination to floss properly.
Excuse # 6: I just don’t have the time to floss every day.

These specialists have also provided recommendations for combating the various challenges we claim to prevent us from flossing properly. In this article, we shall present the final two flossing excuses.

Dental Implant New Jersey
Flunking Flossing Excuse # 7: Flossing actually hurts my gums, so I’d rather avoid it.

If your gums hurt when you floss and possibly even bleed, then you most likely have inflamed, infected gums. Conditions such as gingivitis and gum disease leave the gums swollen, weakened and sensitive. “While it may seem counter-intuitive to do something that causes you discomfort and makes you bleed, flossing is actually incredibly beneficial to restoring the health of your gums,” says a dental implant specialist in New Jersey.

“By removing the plaque and debris that are irritating and inflaming your gums in the first place, you’ll improve their health and leave them stronger. With time, usually within a week or two if you only have mild gingivitis, flossing should become very comfortable and your gums should cease to bleed. If, however, your problems persist, you should seek the attention of your dentist.”

Flunking Flossing Excuse # 8: I struggle to get the floss between my teeth. They must be positioned too closely together.

New Teeth New York
“Some patients’ teeth sit very snugly together and as such, they may experience difficulties using unwaxed floss,” say new teeth New York specialists. “If this applies to you, then we recommend that you opt for waxed floss or the brands made from polytetrafluoroethylene, which is a very slippery compound.”

“On the other side of the coin, you might have teeth that are positioned very far apart, in which case it is still important for you to floss, but you may find that most brands don’t seem to do much good. We usually recommend “superfloss” to patients with large gaps between their teeth – or those whose gums have receded from the crowns as a result of gum disease. This floss is quite yarn-like in appearance and, although it seems thick, can stretch to clean those narrow spaces, while expanding outwards to give larger gaps just as good of a clean,” explain dental implant New Jersey specialists.

A Final Note on Flossing

At the end of the day, your dentist should be able to provide you with the assistance and recommendations you need to floss and make sure your teeth get the best possible clean, day in and day out. If you have trouble, speak to your dentist and even ask for some free samples of new products that may help you overcome your difficulties.

Part - 3

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Dental Implant Specialists in NJ Bust Eight Flossing Excuses, PART 3

This four-part article series seeks to challenge the many excuses made by people for not flossing their teeth on a daily basis.

Welcome to Part 3 of this four-part series on the importance of flossing and just why the many excuses provided by patients who neglect to floss simply don’t stand up against reason. In our previous post, dental implants specialists in NJ challenged the following flossing excuses:

Flunking Flossing Excuse # 3: No one ever showed me how to floss properly.

Flunking Flossing Excuse # 4: I’ve had dental work done, which makes it really difficult for me to floss.

If you want to find out what new teeth specialists in New Jersey had to say about these common excuses and the advice they provided for patients experiencing difficulty flossing, please refer to Part 2 of this series. In this installment, we shall examine another two reasons that patients cite for flunking their flossing responsibilities, beginning with...

Flunking Flossing Excuse # 5: I just don’t have the coordination to floss properly.

Dental Implant NJ
If you have difficulties with your hands and with their dexterity, this could make flossing a particular challenge for you. “Patients who suffer from arthritis, joint stiffness, paralysis, pain, poor coordination, or even amputation will need to adapt their flossing habits to accommodate these difficulties,” say dental implants specialists in NJ. “In some cases, patients cite poor coordination, when in reality their fingers are too big to fit inside their mouths and won’t allow them to reach the backmost molars.”

“An excellent solution to this problem is to use floss holders (see image below) instead of traditional floss. These Y-shaped tools can either be loaded with a section of floss, or already come pre-threaded. Either way, they enable you to floss using only one hand.Other useful products for cleaning between the teeth include:

Soft-Picks or Stim-U-Dents, which are disposable toothpicks made especially for cleaning between the teeth,

Tip Stimulators: the conical rubber tips that come with certain toothbrushes.

Interproximal brushes: spiral brushes that are inserted between the teeth and used to give the contact points and gums that are there a good scrub.

New Teeth New Jersey
Flunking Flossing Excuse # 6: I just don’t have the time to floss every day.

If you honestly can’t find two to three minutes in a day to floss, then you clearly aren’t thinking outside the box. Watching TV at night, reading in bed, sitting in traffic... whenever you sit still for a few minutes you have an opportunity to whip out a canister of floss and give your teeth a clean. “Try to outsmart yourself, says a new teeth specialist in New Jersey. “Keep floss next to your bed where it’s visible so that you’re reminded to use it. Keep a number of canisters lying at key relaxing points in the house so that, whenever you find yourself there, you have floss at hand.

The key to successful flossing is to make it a habit that you actually miss when you don’t do it – as is the case with exercising and bathing! And if you make it easy to reach out, grab some floss and give your teeth a clean, then you’ll be more inclined to do it.

Stay Tuned for Part 4

If your excuse hasn’t come yet, it just still might! Stay tuned for the final installment of this four-part article series on flossing, why it’s so important and how you can work around any possible difficulties.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

New Teeth Specialists in NJ Bust Eight Flossing Excuses, PART 2

This four-part article series seeks to challenge the many excuses made by people for not flossing their teeth on a daily basis.

Welcome to Part 2 of this four-part series on the importance of flossing and just why the excuses you’ve used in the past for avoiding it can be debunked by new teeth in NJ specialists. As we explained in the first installment of the series, flossing is an integral part of keeping your teeth and gums free of the nasty bacteria that can cause cavities, tooth decay and gum inflammation. If you don’t floss, you’re leaving up to 35% of your dentition’s surfaces unclean, which could see you needing dental implants sooner rather than later!

We then tackled two common excuses patients make for not flossing their teeth regularly, or at all for that matter:

Flunking Flossing Excuse # 1: I don’t usually get food caught between my teeth so I find that I don’t really need to floss.

Flunking Flossing Excuse # 2: The floss I use keeps shredding and getting caught between my teeth. It’s annoying.

In this installment, with the help of dental implants specialists in Rutherford, we shall examine another two common excuses, beginning with...

Flunking Flossing Excuse # 3: No one ever showed me how to floss properly.

New Teeth NJ
This is really hardly an excuse. Flossing is not rocket science… and if no one ever showed you how to use the lavatory properly, would you simply abstain from going? In any case, if you really don’t know how to floss and haven’t been able to figure it out, your dentist and oral hygienist are there to show you how to look after your teeth and gums properly. If asked, they would be more than happy to provide you with a little tutorial on how to floss. It might seem a little tricky in the beginning, but with practice, you’ll have all of your teeth squeaky clean within a minute or two.

Here is what new teeth specialists in NJ recommend:

1. Unwind an 18-inch section of floss and wrap the majority of this around the index finger. Grasp the other end of the floss with your available hand (left or right, depending upon what’s comfortable for you).

2. Use the hand grasping the floss to guide it between the teeth, using a gentle back-and-forth motion.

3. At the gum line, create a C-shape motion with the floss so that it follows the contour of the space between the teeth. This will ensure that food debris and bacteria that have accumulated here are dislodged and scooped up.

4. Holding the floss firmly, drag it up and down the sides of the teeth.

5. Repeat this process with each and every tooth, making sure to unwind or unspool fresh section of floss from around your finger as you do so.

6. “Never neglect the back molars,” emphasizes a dental implants specialist in Rutherford.“Tooth decay is most common towards the back of the mouth, where patients tend to neglect flossing and brushing.”

Flunking Flossing Excuse # 4: I’ve had dental work done, which makes it really difficult for me to floss.

Dental Implants RutherfordThere are all sorts of sophisticated cleaning tools that have been specially designed for patients with tricky dental work. If you struggle with straightforward floss, try using a floss threader, which looks like a small plastic “U” with a handle (see image above). The floss is strung between the ends of two arms of the threader and makes it super easy to control and get into position.

Stay Tuned for Part 3

If your excuse hasn’t come yet, it just still might! Stay tuned for the third installment of this four-part article series on flossing, why it’s so important and how you can work around any possible difficulties.

Friday, 6 September 2013

New Teeth Implants Specialists in Rutherford Bust Eight Flossing Excuses, PART 1

This four-part article series seeks to challenge the many excuses made by people for not flossing their teeth on a daily basis.

How often do you floss? Do you floss at all? Or just after a particularly fibrous or meaty meal? According to new teeth implant specialists in Rutherford, flossing is one of the most important components of a home oral hygiene routine - perhaps even more so than brushing in the fight against periodontal (gum) disease.

Why Is Flossing So Important?

Because flossing cleans between the teeth and beneath the gum line where bacteria and food debris are more likely to accumulate and tooth decay more likely to occur. Since your toothbrush cannot reach these places, flossing becomes necessary. “Without flossing, you are missing out on cleaning approximately 35% of the surfaces of your teeth,” says a new teeth specialists in New York NY. “That is certainly not a very thorough clean!”

How Does America Do With Flossing?

New Teeth Implants RutherfordAccording to a survey conducted in 2008, slightly less than half (49%) of Americans floss their teeth every day, while 10% never do. Those in between tend to floss when they feel like it, which is undoubtedly not very often. Many dentists can tell from the build-up of plaque and tartar between the teeth that the only time their patients even pick up dental floss is on the morning of their appointment. Unfortunately, the damage has been done and the neglect will be evident in the health of their teeth and gums.

“Of course, everyone has a reason not to floss,” say new teeth implant specialists in Rutherford. “No matter what your hesitation or problem is with regards to flossing, there are ways you can work around it to keep the tiny spaces between your teeth and at the gum margin clean and debris-free. This will help prevent the development of gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss.”

In this four-part article series, new teeth specialists in New York NY provide us with the eight most common flossing excuses, why they are unfounded and/or just how patients can work around them.

Flunking Flossing Excuse # 1: I don’t usually get food caught between my teeth so I find that I don’t really need to floss.

Flossing, while useful in removing food that gets trapped between your teeth, is not done exclusively for this reason. In fact, flossing is more about removing the build-up of plaque (oral bacteria) that accumulates here throughout the course of your day. No matter how snugly your teeth sit against each other, there is always plenty of space for bacteria to collect and establish a little ecosystem for themselves. And this is what causes cavities, tooth decay and gum inflammation (gingivitis) and periodontal disease.

“Flossing is the best and most effective method for keeping the spaces between your teeth clean and healthy,” say new teeth implant specialists in Rutherford.

Flunking Flossing Excuse # 2: The floss I use keeps shredding and getting caught between my teeth. It’s annoying.

Flossing - New Teeth New York NYFloss can shred or become frayed for a variety of reasons. You could have a cavity with a sharp edge, a jagged filling or a problematic dental restoration that is causing the floss to become snagged and broken. “You should speak to your dentist about this to see whether this might be the reason behind your difficulties,” suggest new teeth specialists in New York NY. “Alternatively, you might just be using a bad brand of dental floss. Some brands are made better and are sturdier than others, so try a different kind next time you go shopping.”

Stay Tuned for Part 2

If your excuse hasn’t come yet, it just still might! Stay tuned for the second installment of this four-part article series on flossing, why it’s so important and how you can work around any possible difficulties.

Monday, 2 September 2013

The Key Benefits of Getting New Teeth Using Dental Implants

This article explores the benefits of choosing dental implants to replace missing teeth and not conventional removable dentures.

We all know that your teeth are quite useful in helping you eat. This becomes especially evident when you lose your teeth to gum or periodontal disease and are forced to either manage without them entirely, or with teeth replacement devices such as removable dentures. The value in getting new teeth with dental implants goes so much further than in restoring bite function and, of course, your appearance; although these are among the most important benefits. In this article, the Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons who work with new teeth implants will be explaining to us the key benefits patients can expect to enjoy from getting beautiful new teeth.

Smile Again

New Teeth Implants

So many people live with failing and/or missing teeth and gum disease for so long that they forget what it’s like to smile openly without embarrassment, shame or reservation. Those family photos just aren’t what they could be with a miserable and uncomfortable-looking parent or grandparent standing in the background, are they?

With new teeth, you will immediately enjoy the ability to smile openly again. The bridge held in place using dental implants is expertly fabricated to look just like a complete set of natural teeth and gums, so your smile will once again be beautiful, healthy and natural looking without the thin, pinched appearance that dentures typically give.

Eat Your Favorite Foods

Your teeth are an important part of your digestive system! Without them or with inferior teeth replacement technologies, such as removable dentures, you simply can’t enjoy the variety of foods you used to. In fact, eating can become such a challenge that the edentulous elderly can suffer from malnutrition as a result! Patients also experience digestive problems because they are not able to chew their food properly.
New Teeth

A dental implant-supported bridge facilitates a strong and natural bite force that enables patients to eat most of their favorite foods and even those you thought you’d never be able to manage again, such as steak and corn on the cob. Eating and chewing comfortably, without teeth that hurt your gums and move around, is just one of the many benefits offered by dental implants.

Additionally, owing to the much lesser bulk used in the fabrication of the bridge (as opposed to dentures), it won’t compromise your ability to taste your food properly, nor sense subtle variations in its temperature and texture.

Feel Comfortable and Confident

New teeth implants offer an impressive suite of benefits and advantages over traditional removable dentures. In addition to those mentioned above, dental implants...

  • Once healed, don’t typically damage the neighboring teeth in your mouth or the surrounding gums,
  • Help prevent persistent pain and discomfort often associated with removable dentures
  • They help to promote excellent jawbone health and in doing so, prevent atrophy and a loss of bone volume,
  • This in turn helps to prevent premature aging and the need to have the dental bridge refitted to accommodate the changing shape of the jawbone (as is the case with dentures.)
  • Dental implants are typically a one-time expense because they can last many decades and seldom require restoration or replacement.
  • They typically do not need repeat expenses, such as adhesive strips, soaking solutions and anesthetic gels,
  • Implant supported bridges do not generally trigger the gag reflex or cause embarrassing social problems, such as halitosis (as dentures can).

For all these reasons and more, new teeth specialists urge Americans in need of a second chance at a beautiful smile to seek treatment using dental implants. Make a long-term investment in your oral health and quality of life.